Pulmo-Protect™ lung function filter

Pulmo-Protect™ combines low resistance with a high bacterial and viral efficiency filter designed specifically to protect the patient and equipment during lung function tests.

Pulmo-Protect™ provides:
  • Protection to pulmonary function test equipment.
  • High filtration properties reduced risk of contamination between patients.
  • Low resistance performance ensures efficiancy of results and complies with ATS/ERS recommendations1.
  • Low functional volume.
  • Microbiological filtration effectiveness has been independently tested and validated to provide >99.999% efficiency against bacterial and viruses2
  • Flexible, comfortable, disposable mouth piece helps with patient compliance and improve the effectiveness of the test.
  • Comfortable single patient nose clip prevents patient-to-patient touch contamination.
  • High filtration properties reduces risk of contamination between patients.
  • Device compatible range of colour coded filters available individually or as a complete pulmonary function test kit.

Products with the corresponding number are compatible with the following test devices:
1) JAEGER®, MasterScreen, SensorMedics®, Vmax®, Micro Medical, Chest and Microgard®.
2) Medisoft, BodyBox, HypAir Compact + and SpiroAir
3) Fukuda Denshi®, SP-350 and Fudac-77
4) NSpire®

JAEGER is a registered trademark of CareFusion Germany 234 GmbH. SensorMedics is a registered trademark of Sensormedics Corporation. Vmax is a trademark of SensorMedicas Corporation. Microgard is a registered trademark of Becton Dickinson and Company. Fukuda Denshi is a registered trademark of Fukuda Denshi Co. Ltd.  KoKo is a trademark of nSpire Health, Inc. NSpire is a trademark of nSpire Health Inc.

1. Journal of Respiratory Medicine 2005.09.015 An audit into the efficacy of single use bacterial/viral filters for the prevention of equipment contamination during lung function assessment.
2. European Respiratory Journal 2005; 26: 319–338 Standardisation of spirometry M.R. Miller, J. Hankinson, V. Brusasco, F. Burgos, et al. 3. Nelson Labs 771942B.1 4. Nelson Labs 771943B.1


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